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Time Team 1 Location Team 2 Location Team 3 Location Team 4 Location Team 5 Location Team 6 Location Team 7 Location
8:00 am
8:30 am
9:00 amBooked - SeattleBooked - RedmondBooked - RedmondBooked - KirklandBooked - Bellevue
9:30 amBooked - SeattleBooked - RedmondBooked - RedmondBooked - KirklandBooked - Bellevue
10:00 amBooked - SeattleBooked - RedmondBooked - RedmondBooked - KirklandBooked - Bellevue
10:30 amBooked - SeattleBooked - RedmondBooked - RedmondBooked - KirklandBooked - Bellevue
11:00 amBooked - SeattleBooked - RedmondBooked - RedmondBooked - KirklandBooked - Bellevue
11:30 amBooked - SeattleBooked - RedmondBooked - RedmondBooked - KirklandBooked - Bellevue
12:00 pmBooked - SeattleBooked - SeattleBooked - RedmondBooked - KirklandBooked - Bellevue
12:30 pmBooked - SeattleBooked - SeattleBooked - RedmondBooked - KirklandBooked - Bellevue
1:00 pmBooked - BellevueBooked - SeattleBooked - RedmondBooked - KirklandBooked - Bellevue
1:30 pmBooked - BellevueBooked - SeattleBooked - RedmondBooked - KirklandBooked - Bellevue
2:00 pmBooked - BellevueBooked - RedmondBooked - RedmondBooked - KirklandBooked - Bellevue
2:30 pmBooked - BellevueBooked - RedmondBooked - RedmondBooked - KirklandBooked - Bellevue
3:00 pmBooked - IssaquahBooked - RedmondBooked - RedmondBooked - KirklandBooked - Bellevue
3:30 pmBooked - IssaquahBooked - BothellBooked - RedmondBooked - KirklandBooked - Bellevue